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Diagnostic Information Required

for Technical Support with

Adobe eBook Problems

Adobe Support requires that all customers answer the relevant diagnostic questions below, before they can receive technical support.


For technical support with an Adobe eBook purchase you have already made, please send an email with your answers to support@schematherapy.comBe sure to include the name and email address you used when you placed your online order.


We have also prepared a special Word document containing a complete set of instructions that will  solve many problems with activating, opening, or printing Adobe eBooks. To download detailed instructions, please click here to access our Troubleshooting webpage.


To download a Word document containing all of the questions below, please click here:









Part I. General Information about Your Original Order, Computer,

    Software & Internet Connection


         This section must be completed by ALL customers.


1.   a. The first name, last name, and email address of the credit card holder on the original eBook order placed online:


      b. What is the approximate date (month and year) that the order was placed?


2.   Which Adobe eBook product(s) did you purchase? (e.g. “Adobe eBook for 2/ Print 2”) 


3.   The manufacturer, model, and approximate year of the computer(s) you are having difficulty installing the eBook on (e.g., Apple MacBook Air - 2014, Lenovo Yoga Pro 2 - 2013):


4.   a. Name and version of the Operating System installed on your computer (e.g., Windows 10 Home, Mac OS X 10.10.5):


      b. Which version of Adobe Digital Editions did you install on your computer?  (e.g., 2.0, 3.0/3.01, 4.51)  


5.   a. Are you using your computer in a corporate or institutional environment, in which the internet service goes through a secure server? (This is typical in most hospitals, academic settings, government agencies, etc.) 


      b. Are you working from home (or a private office)?


      c. Are you using a computer owned by your institution? 


      d. Are you using a personal computer that you (or your family) own?


6.   Please describe the problem you are having briefly. (We will ask you more questions to elaborate on this problem below.)


7.     a. Did you previously install, or try to install, this same eBook file link on a tablet, a different computer, or on any other device, before trying to install the eBook on this computer? If so, please explain why, and what happened with any other installations you tried:       


b. If you have a Windows computer, did you upgrade to a new Operating System after your original installation (e.g., from Windows 8 to Windows 10)?  If so, please provide details:


Part II. Basic Installation Questions


This section must be completed by ALL customers. (Use the Installation Instructions on our website as a guide in answering these questions, if necessary.)


8.  Please check (√) all of the steps below that you completed successfully and in the correct order listed below.


Place an X on the line next to any steps that you completed, but NOT in the order listed below.  


Type an E (error) on the line next to any steps for which you received an error message and/or that did NOT complete successfully.


Place an O next to any steps below that you omitted, or that you never reached because of problems or errors earlier in the installation.


a.  _____  Downloaded the correct version of the ADE (Adobe Digital Editions) installation file onto my computer.


b.  _____  Successfully installed the Adobe Digital Editions software, and could open the ADE program.


c.  _____  Obtained my own Adobe ID from the Adobe website.


d.  _____  “Authorized” ADE on my computer using my new Adobe ID.


e.  _____  Clicked on my personal eBook file link from my email or browser. Each eBook link begins with: http://


f.  _____   Located the ***.acsm file on my computer, then clicked on it (if needed).


g.  _____  The Schema eBook was automatically transferred to my Adobe Digital Editions library, so that I could see an icon, or the name of the Schema eBook, in ADE.


h.  _____  Clicked on the icon or name of the Schema eBook in ADE, and all of the pages in the eBook opened so that I could read them.


i.   _____  Was able to print pages from the eBook; the printed pages were legible, and looked properly formatted.


9. Are you certain that you installed and authorized Adobe Digital Editions with your Adobe ID -- BEFORE you clicked on your Personal eBook File Transfer link?


    Please check ONE of the options below:


____ YES – I definitely installed and authorized ADE with my Adobe ID BEFORE I clicked on my Personal File Link.


____ NO –  I clicked on my Personal File Link BEFORE installing and authorizing ADE with my Adobe ID.


____ UNCERTAIN – I can’t remember whether I clicked on my personal file link before installing & authorizing ADE with my Adobe ID.



a. If your main problem relates to printing the inventories (Step 8i), continue to Part III below. 




b. If you had installation problems before trying to print the inventories in Step 8 above, skip to    Part IV below.


Part III. Printing-Related Information


This section is only required if you are able to read the pages of the eBook in ADE, but cannot print them.


11. a. What is the manufacturer and model number of the printer that connects to your computer? (e.g., Brother HL-4570CW) 


      b. How does your printer connect to your computer?  (e.g., USB cable, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Google Print, Air Print, local network)


      c. What paper size do you print on – “A4” or “Letter Size”? 

(Typically, users in the USA and Canada type on 8.5” x 11” letter size paper; users in all other countries usually print on 8.3” x 11.7” A4 paper.)


12.  Are you able to view/read  all of the pages in the Schema eBook in Adobe Digital Editions (ADE), just before trying to print?


13.  Have you ever been able to print any pages from the eBook? If so, for how many months were you able to print pages?  


(If you were able to print pages in the past, but cannot print now, be sure to complete Part V below, after finishing Part IV.)


14. If some of the pages do print, is there any problem with the way they print (i.e., print formatting)?


For example, are some of the questions cut off at the bottom of each page so that they cannot be read completely? Are some of the letters along the left or right side of the page not visible? Are any of the margins noticeably too large or too small? (Please be specific in describing what you see that is printing incorrectly.)   


Part IV. Detailed Explanation of Problems (including error messages)


Part IV must be completed by all customers, regardless of the exact problem(s) you are having.


15.  Referring back to your answers in Question 8 above, look at the items that you placed an X in front of. For each item with an X, what difficulties did you have? Exactly what happened when you tried to complete each unsuccessful step?


16. For each unsuccessful step, did you receive an error message? If you did, please copy the exact error message(s) word-for-word here:


17. Did you try any steps during the installation process that are not listed above, or in a different order? If so, please explain exactly what you tried and what happened.


18. If you are able to print any of the eBook pages, is there any problem with the way they print (i.e., print formatting)?

For example, are some of the questions cut off at the bottom of each page so that they cannot be read completely? Are some of the letters along the left or right side of the page not visible? Are any of the margins noticeably too large or too small? (Please be specific in describing what you see that is printing incorrectly.)   


Part V. Determining Your eBook Printing Permissions


Part V is only required if you were able to print pages in the past, but cannot print any pages now.


For customers who were able to print eBook pages in the past, but can no longer print any pages from the same computer, one of the most common reasons is because they have already used up their maximum printing allotment for the eBook they have installed.


Each eBook is pre-configured to print a specific maximum number of pages. The printing allotment varies depending on the specific product purchased, but is usually between 350 and 600 total pages.


19.  Please follow the steps below to determine whether you have any pages remaining in your printing allotment:


a. Open the Schema Inventories eBook in Adobe Digital Editions  (ADE) so that you can view the pages in the eBook.


b. Click on “File” near the top left of the ADE screen; then click “Item Info…”.  A new window should open called “Item Info ”.


c. In the “Item Info” window, look for the section called “Permissions ”.


d. Check to be sure that the eBook is Licensed To the email address you used for your Adobe ID.


e. Find the line labeled “Printing:”   The Permission setting that you see should be in the same format as this example: “249 pages, on a single device, until 11/10/16  9:45am “.


The first number on the Printing Permission line indicates how many pages you have remaining to print from the eBook. In the example above, the user still has 249 pages remaining (from the original printing allotment of 400 pages).


How many pages do you have remaining to print on the Printing Permission line?


20.   a. If the number of pages that you see on the Printing line in ADE on your computer is “0 pages ”, then you have used up your entire printing allotment for your eBook. You will have to renew your eBook license by purchasing a new eBook product. (You can write us for a renewal discount code.)


       b. If the number of pages you see on this line is greater than “0”, please type the Printing Permissions information for your current eBook in your email reply to us.


Part VI. Follow-Up Question about Troubleshooting


Question 21 is only required if you have already tried any of the troubleshooting solutions described on our website, or that we sent you by email.


21. If you have already tried any troubleshooting solutions, such as deauthorizing and reinstalling ADE, please describe them. Explain what happened with each possible solution. What exact error message(s) did you receive, if any?


22. Please provide any additional information that you think might be helpful in troubleshooting your problem:




Thank you for your cooperation.


Please send your answers to










Copyright 2023  Jeffrey Young, Ph.D.  All rights reserved.

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