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Welcome to the Schema Therapy Institute Order Center.


To place an order, please click here, then click on the "Add to Cart" buttton for the product(s) you want to purchase.


In the Past...


For the past 25 years, we have been shipping large packets of photocopied schema materials via the US Postal Service all around the world. Eventually the staff requirements and shipping costs became prohibitive, so we realized that we needed to investigate new distribution methods.


Secure Digital Downloading for the Future 


We have devoted much time and energy to developing a modern, digital method for delivering the Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ), along with our other schema inventories and educational materials, as secure digital eBooks that can be downloaded from the internet. This means that you will now be able to order a computer file through our online shopping cart that contains all of our inventories, and many other educational materials.


Please be sure to read all sections of this website before you place an order. We recommend that you begin with our Adobe eBook Order Page  to read about the products available. Remember that all schema eBooks are available in English only.


As soon as you place your order and your credit card is approved, you will be granted a one-year license that will allow you to download our Schema eBook immediately onto your Windows PC, Mac, iPad, or compatible Android tablet. The eBook is a computer file that contains all of our schema inventories, along with other materials. You will also be able to download a small, free computer program that will install a special, secure Reader onto your PC, Mac, or tablet (similar to Adobe Reader). Once you authorize the Reader and install your eBook, you will be able to view and print more than 50 pages of schema inventories and educational materials contained in the eBook. (In the future, we plan to make additional material available for downloading, such as slide shows and patient handouts.) Your license can be renewed annually at a reasonable price, if you want continuing access to all of our inventories and materials.




In response to security standards issued by a joint commission of mental health organizations in the US, we need to follow specific ethical guidelines regarding the distribution of psychological instruments. This will mean that there will be tighter security restrictions incorporated into the files you download. We anticipate that this will create inconveniences to many of you who are accustomed to sharing computer files, and to making changes in documents you work with. But you can be more comfortable knowing that the inventories you order are now more secure instruments, because of these restrictions. (We recommend that the person who installs the Adobe software on your computer should have at least intermediate-level experience downloading and installing software from the Internet.)


The Advantages to You


You may be asking, after all of these warnings, what the advantages are to you of our decision to distribute the inventories and forms as digital files. First, secure digital downloading allows you to begin using the schema materials almost immediately. You will not have to wait 4 weeks to receive postal shipments.


Second, being able to view the schema materials on many computing devices, including most iPads and Android tablets, will be far more convenient than having to carry around paper versions of schema forms, as in the past.


Third, you can be more comfortable as a researcher or clinician, knowing that the new security measures should prevent most unauthorized uses of our inventories that could jeopardize the validity of future research and clinical use (such as posting the YSQ on the internet so that anyone has access to it).


Fourth, all of the materials have been professionally formatted for the first time, so that they look more appealing than previous versions, and should be easier to read and fill out by research subjects and patients.


And, finally, you will be able to download free updates, new schema materials that are not yet included in the first set of files now available, and detailed scoring instructions that we expect to be adding in the future.

Copyright 2023  Jeffrey Young, Ph.D.  All rights reserved.

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